​TRUJITSU repeats at JJWORLD League

After a short 6 week break, TRUJITSU representatives jumped back into competition for the Jiu Jitsu World League American Open Championship, however this time the circumstances were different.

Summer season is often slower due to extreme heat and seasonal distractions. Various obstacles made it difficult for most veteran TRUJITSU competitors to attend the American Open, however this gave an opportunity for a newer and younger group of TRUJITSU representatives to step up for the challenge.

The result was a First Place Academy trophy once again. Thank you to all  TRUJITSU representatives that made this happen. Those that stepped out of their comfort zone, (many for the first time), and those that helped their team mates practice the TRUJITSU game plan and concepts.

TRUJITSU concepts for the win!

#trujitsu #jjworldleague




Kylie Baker of TRUJITSU Bakersfield 



Rick Watson of TRUJITSU Bakersfield.



Victoria Suarez of TRUJITSU Bakersfield.  


The TRUJITSU Revolution continues...