Why Law Enforcement and First Responders need… TRUJITSU.

Imagine going to work everyday knowing that you are potentially facing a challenge that could be both harmful to you physically, and financially. You are signed up to go in harms way to correct bad scenarios, and de-escalate situations, while simultaneously being under the greatest scrutiny. That is the current job description for today’s Law Enforcement Officers, and now more than ever, the ability to stay calm under pressure is a must.

This has become increasingly difficult with the escalation of crime and the lighter penalties that make prosecution of criminals less likely. A Criminal has little to nothing to lose, while the officer has a strict protocol to follow to avoid accusation. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, every year over 80 officers are arrested for excessive force or misconduct.

What can be said about the current demands of Law enforcement, is that an officer needs to have the physical skills to apprehend a violent offender, while simultaneously having the mental aptitude to stay calm with no desire to use force no matter how provoking the suspect might act.

Rioter Resisting arrest.

This is not as simple as learning how to apply a wrist lock and hand cuffs. Aggressive training is no longer the solution.

An officer now needs to have an exceptional mental maturity that promotes a passive yet assertive behavior, which is no easy task.

This capability can only be developed with specific training that focuses on immobilization instead of aggression. Having the ability to force someone to the ground is great, but that may be just the response that opens up the officer to an investigation. Scrutiny is high, and arguably unfair in many cases. Moreover, the stress placed on officers doesn’t simply shut off when they are off duty. Without a proper outlet to defuse their anxiety the stress spills over into the officer’s personal life and often manifests into poor health choices and habits.

What is needed..

To deal with the worst situations in the community, you need the best resources in the community.

There are countless programs that teach a person how to fight, but that is not enough. The real battle happens with a person’s mindset.

Proper training can not happen

by attending a seminar or occasional workshop, because repetition is needed to develop reaction time.

Proper training can not happen

in an environment that has lesser developed participants, because that will not make a person confident when dealing with a physically imposing criminal.

Proper training can not happen if the curriculum is based on aggression, explosiveness or physical ability, because there is always someone stronger. An officer must use techniques that are based on leverage and don’t rely on strength or physical ability to be successful.

Proper training will happen if a person is in an environment that is surrounded by skilled training partners that intelligently apply  leverage based moves and are capable of safely pushing an individual to the limits they are exposed to while on duty. Training partners must have the ability and desire to train safely, not recklessly, while still applying intensity. This type of environment takes years to develop, and this

level of training on a weekly basis is what is necessary for an officer to build the confidence and mental acuity to deal with todays level of exposure. In addition, this also provides stress relief and camaraderie that is uplifting to an individual who is constantly exposed to harsh conditions.


This is what TRUITSU is, and why every Law Enforcement Officer specifically needs TRUJITSU.

Intelligence over aggression. An established Community building its community.

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